Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Here are some pictures that I took of Ty just the other day. He is getting so big!


Megan said...

I can't believe how big he has gotten either. He is so dang cute - I love his little mouth. The tag about Nate was fun to read - I am glad there was something about his love for food storage in there ;)

AlfreySlice said...

Why are your kids so stinkin' cute?? Ok, I know why.... Great pictures!

ScennyLloyd said...

Oh my gosh Ash he is so big. Just put a back pack on him and send him out the door for kindergarten... okay maybe not that big. I guess I just haven't seen a picture of him since he was born so he looks soooo old now! He is super cute. Come visit me so our boys can be BFF :)

Josie said...

What a cutie! the boys all look cute.

Chelsie said...

oh my heavens, he's getting so big, and so stinkin cute. i love the pic with all the boys, so sweet!!!

Shelby said...

I have a love/hate relationship with newborns getting big so fast. The bigger they get, the more sleep I get, but I hate to see it happen! Those little glasses on Bradyn are the cutest things I've ever seen! They are so handsome!

Heather K said...

Triple cuteness! Hooray for pictures. Ty is getting so big!

fourangels said...

Oh, he is soooo cute! I can't believe how much he has changed since your last picture post! What a cutie!

Natasha said...

He is such a cutie. I can not believe he is already eight months, crazy.

mommy princess said...

He's HUGE!!! I havn't seen him since you did your birth Story!
Hey in case you didn't see on my blog tomorrow night from 5:00-7:00 I'm having a Bellasoles shoe party. It's an open house so come any time and bring a friend if you want.

RickAndGina said...

I feel like we haven't talked in forever!!! Look how cute he is!! Like im surprised. Your boys are the cutest ever!!! Call me sometime. I need to get over there and meet him in person.